Heroines of Sound Festival – Day 3

Concerts / Performance / Discourse / Video art / Workshops

Concert Panel Workshop Musik Video art

Tatiana Heuman & Florencia Curci © Susi Maresca

Teresa Riemann © Antoinette Dyksmann

Zavoloka © Kyrylo Rusanivsky

Robyn Schulkowski with drumsticks in hand

Michael Lowa © Robyn Schulkowski


Ticket Prices

Day ticket      
22 Euro reduced 15 Euro

2-day ticket  
38 Euro reduced 26 Euro

3-day ticket/festival pass      
55 Euro reduced 40 Euro

6 Euro

On the third and final day of the Heroines of Sound Festival, magnificent percussionist Robyn Schulkowsky underpins the festival's focus on percussive sound research. Her new piece “crooked river(s)”, was inspired by her journey to Japan, and explores through states of flow unconventional temporal-rhythmic dimensions.

Berlin soloist ensemble and singer collective PHØNIX16 then presents the world premiere of “Maŝinika Deliro”. In this extraordinary mixed-media performance, Mexican composer Marisol Jiménez uses cybernetic voices to transform the human body and investigate patriarchal structures. In a new version of the scenic concert “18 WEST – Songs for the Downfall”, composer, performance artist and this year's guest curator Julia Mihály completes this year’s festival focus in tandem with percussionists Teresa Riemann and Laura Robles. Tatiana Heuman and Florencia Curci perform a percussion set that broadens horizons with voice and radio and electronic instruments from India, exploring the sonic resonance of each beat. Zavoloka's audiovisual performance marks the programme’s finale, weaving sound synthesis and electronics together with Ukrainian folk songs into abstract psychoactive spheres.

Panel III: „Körper Stimme Image. Stimmperformance zwischen Selbstinszenierung und Fremdbestimmung
The voice transforms the human body into an instrument itself; in electronic music, the human body becomes a sound generator that vibrates the vocal cords in extreme situations and musical spaces. The electronic component occupies the position of the external stranger that determines how voice and body interact. Electronic sound synthesis and musical performance are important dimensions of every combination of voice and electro. The panel touches upon the most recent developments in this traditional musical genre in conversation with composers and performers.

Panel IV: Akustische Poesie und Musik"
Acoustic poetry is still largely considered to be a purely literary genre. However, musical and performative strategies that draw attention to vocal sound(s) and performance are at least as central as language. Acoustic poetry thus combines literary, musical and performative moments; the body and voice become instruments and mediums of speech that are at times indistinguishable from singing. Acoustic poetry is thus an artistic movement whose locus may be found between literature, music and performance art. Additionally, this is a movement that has a long tradition of playing with gender roles and identities. This panel takes a closer look at these different aspects of acoustic poetry.


Heroines of Sound wurde aus der Berliner Szene mit einer feministischen Agenda von Bettina Wackernagel und einer Gruppe von Künstler*innen initiiert. Zur Aufführung gelangen herausragende frühe Werke sowie zukunftsweisende Positionen von jüngeren Künstler*innen. Die Idee ist, die Verbindungslinien unterschiedlicher Genres erfahrbar zu machen und die Präsenz von Künstler*innen im Kunst- und Musikbetrieb kontinuierlich zu stärken.


Programme day 3

4-5.30 pm: Panel III – "Body - Voice - Image. Voice performance between self-presentation and heteronomy"

4-0 pm: Sound and film bar
Video art Katalin Ladik

6-7.30 pm: Panel IV – "Acoustic poetry and music"

8 pm: Concert VI – Robyn Schulkowsky

9 pm: Concert VII – PHØNIX16, Marisol Jiménez

10 pm: Concert VIII – Julia Mihály, Teresa Riemann, Laura Robles

11 pm: Concert IX – Tatiana Heuman & Florencia Curci, Zavoloka

With compositions by Robyn Schulkowsky, Marisol Jiménez, Julia Mihály, Tatiana Heuman and Florencia Curci.

Panel III with Marisol Jiménez, Julia Mihály and Ute Wassermann
Keynote Rahma Khazam (Paris)
Moderation Martina Seeber (Stuttgart)

Panel IV with Ira Hadžic, Katalin Ladik and Natalia Pschenitschnikova
Keynote Swantje Lichtenstein (Berlin)
Moderation Monika Pasiecznik (Warschau)


The complete programme of the Heroines of Sound Festival 2024

Warning: Strobe effects are used during Concert IX.


Heroines of Sound 2024 is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund and the Mariann Steegmann Foundation.

Further partners are CHB Berlin, Klang Festival, Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftung, Koda Kultur, Statens Kunstfonds. As part of Zeitgeist Ireland 24, an initiative of Culture Ireland and the Irish Embassy in Germany.

Media partnerships Heroines of Sound Festival 2024: Groove, Gonzo (Circus), The Quietus, The Berliner, Berlin Art Link, Digital in Berlin

Media partnerships Radialsystem: The Berliner, Rausgegangen, tip Berlin, taz. die tageszeitung.

On the third and final day of the Heroines of Sound Festival, magnificent percussionist Robyn Schulkowsky underpins the festival's focus on percussive sound research. Her new piece “crooked river(s)”, was inspired by her journey to Japan, and explores through states of flow unconventional temporal-rhythmic dimensions.

Berlin soloist ensemble and singer collective PHØNIX16 then presents the world premiere of “Maŝinika Deliro”. In this extraordinary mixed-media performance, Mexican composer Marisol Jiménez uses cybernetic voices to transform the human body and investigate patriarchal structures. In a new version of the scenic concert “18 WEST – Songs for the Downfall”, composer, performance artist and this year's guest curator Julia Mihály completes this year’s festival focus in tandem with percussionists Teresa Riemann and Laura Robles. Tatiana Heuman and Florencia Curci perform a percussion set that broadens horizons with voice and radio and electronic instruments from India, exploring the sonic resonance of each beat. Zavoloka's audiovisual performance marks the programme’s finale, weaving sound synthesis and electronics together with Ukrainian folk songs into abstract psychoactive spheres.

Panel III: „Körper Stimme Image. Stimmperformance zwischen Selbstinszenierung und Fremdbestimmung
The voice transforms the human body into an instrument itself; in electronic music, the human body becomes a sound generator that vibrates the vocal cords in extreme situations and musical spaces. The electronic component occupies the position of the external stranger that determines how voice and body interact. Electronic sound synthesis and musical performance are important dimensions of every combination of voice and electro. The panel touches upon the most recent developments in this traditional musical genre in conversation with composers and performers.

Panel IV: Akustische Poesie und Musik"
Acoustic poetry is still largely considered to be a purely literary genre. However, musical and performative strategies that draw attention to vocal sound(s) and performance are at least as central as language. Acoustic poetry thus combines literary, musical and performative moments; the body and voice become instruments and mediums of speech that are at times indistinguishable from singing. Acoustic poetry is thus an artistic movement whose locus may be found between literature, music and performance art. Additionally, this is a movement that has a long tradition of playing with gender roles and identities. This panel takes a closer look at these different aspects of acoustic poetry.


Heroines of Sound wurde aus der Berliner Szene mit einer feministischen Agenda von Bettina Wackernagel und einer Gruppe von Künstler*innen initiiert. Zur Aufführung gelangen herausragende frühe Werke sowie zukunftsweisende Positionen von jüngeren Künstler*innen. Die Idee ist, die Verbindungslinien unterschiedlicher Genres erfahrbar zu machen und die Präsenz von Künstler*innen im Kunst- und Musikbetrieb kontinuierlich zu stärken.


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