Nocturnes for a Society

Immersive performance by Myriam Van Imschoot & Lucas van Haesbroeck

Fr 19:30h German premiere

Sa 19:30h


Forecast Forum 9

Mentorships for Audacious Minds

Fr from 20:00h

Sa from 19:00h

Su from 18:00h

Installation Performance Workshop

A L’ARME! Festival Vol. XII FINALE

International festival for avantgarde-jazz & vibrant experimental music since 2012

Th from 20:00h

Fr from 20:00h

Sa from 20:00h

Concert Performance Festival

Tanz im August: Sea of Silence

Tamara Cubas

Fr 18:00h German Premiere

Sa 18:00h im Anschluss Beyond the Stage

Performance / Tanz Festival

Tanz im August: steal you for a moment

Francisco Camacho & Meg Stuart

Th 18:00h German Premiere

Fr 18:00h

Sa 21:00h

Performance / Tanz Festival

Tanz im August: Let’s Not Get Used to This Place

Book Launch with Meg Stuart / Damaged Goods

Fr 20:00h

Festival Book Launch

STOP OVER 2 – a concert series #4

Sonic Playgrounds – an improvised symphony for bodies, instruments and toys

Su 17:00h


‘Spiegelneuronen’ by Stefan Kaegi

A documentary dance evening with an audience by Sasha Waltz & Guests with Rimini Protokoll

Th 20:00h German premiere

Fr 20:00h

Sa 20:00h

Su 18:00h

Performance / Tanz

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