Showing: Elisabete Finger

RUN FAST, BITE HARD (Premiere) / Histories of Gestures

Performance / Tanz Film

Elisabete Finger hält ihre Hände mit blau angemalten Fingern vor orangenem Hintergrund vor ihr Gesicht.

RUN FAST, BITE HARD © Manuela Eichner

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Free admission.

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Ticket Prices

Free admission.

No registration is required for the presentation of the video series at 6pm, but please register in advance to attend the performance at 7.15pm.

Ticket Prices

Free admission.

No registration is required for the presentation of the video series at 6pm, but please register in advance to attend the performance at 7.15pm.

As Artist in Residence 2023, Brazilian performer and choreographer Elisabete Finger was invited to work at Radialsystem during several studio phases throughout the year. In a showing on 21 & 22 October, she will give insights into her current work, presenting both the premiere of her performance “RUN FAST, BITE HARD” and the video series “Histories of Gestures”. 


RUN FAST, BITE HARD (World Premiere)
“RUN FAST, BITE HARD” explores some ‘creation myths’ – different versions many cultures have for the beginning of everything – in which we can find references of a time when humanity, animals, plants, things, space, time, future, and past used to be together. We find narratives about fantastic creatures that were at once male and female, old and young, human and serpent, horse, or plant, engaged with the challenges of an interconnected existence. In between choreography and collage, and moving through association and disassociation, coupling and uncoupling, “RUN FAST, BITE HARD” reimagines the limits of ‘caring to others’ to encompass more expansive or promiscuous models for living and dying together in this world. 


Histories of Gestures
“Histories of Gestures” is a journey through some well-known but rarely questioned gestures: Standing, Falling, Sitting, Jumping, Turning. Each of the five episodes looks at the history, transformation, and interaction of these gestures in different times and contexts, through a critical reading that exposes how political, social, and economic tensions intertwine with bodies. Based on research in several archives, the series presents a collage of photographs, paintings, drawings, graphics, and internet memes with excerpts from films, videos, and choreographic works by artists from Brazil and other countries. 



Concept and Choreography

Elisabete Finger
Manuela Eichner

Choreography & Performance
Elisabete Finger

Collage Elements
Manuela Eichner

Choreographic Assistance
Sandro Amaral

Lucas Resende

Carla Boregas

Mirella Brandi

Thelma Bonavita

Artistic Advice
Chiara Gallerani
Sigal Zouk
Claudia Hill

Joana von Mayer Trindade
Matthias Mohr
Thiago Granato

Histories of Gestures

Direction & Voiceover
Elisabete Finger

Accompaniment & Research Adviser
Ana Teixeira

Edu O.
Denny Neves

Clara Soria (Standing)
Matthieu Rougé – Estúdio Zut

Alessa & Kaj Ducan David

Marcio Pontes

Audiovisual & Communication Adviser
Murilo Moregola

Dialogue & Development Support
Karine Legrand

Production Director
Carolina Goulart

Touring & Management
Corpo Rastreado

Art (Posters)
Manuela Eichner

Supported by

Presented by


Elisabete Finger is a brazilian choreographer and performer. Her creations investigate the materiality and anatomy of bodies and things, exposing textures, densities, forms, and fluids in situations that explore the borders between delight and disturbance. Through the contact-collision of different materials, she experiments logics guided by sensations and eroticisms, which often rub against meanings and social or cultural expectations. She studied Law / Public Politics in Brazil, Dance and Choreography in different places such as the Essais program at CNDC d’Angers (France) and the MA SODA (UdK/HZT, Berlin). She is back in Berlin since 2021, maintaining ongoing collaborations in Brazil and other countries. Finger was a fellow of the Martin Roth Initiative 2021/2022, and in 2023 is a resident artist at Radialsystem, in the frame of Weltoffenes Berlin fellowship.


Saturday, 21 Oktober
7 pm: Presentation of the video series "Histories of Gestures"
8.15 pm: Performance "RUN FAST / BITE HARD" (World Premiere) // Followed by Artist Talk with Elisabete Finger and Matthias Mohr


Sunday, 22 Oktober
6 pm: Presentation of the video series "Histories of Gestures""
7.15 pm: Performance "RUN FAST / BITE HARD"

Body Time Space – Artist in Residence as part of the fellowship programme „Weltoffenes Berlin“

Two years after its inaugural residency programme, Radialsystem is now expanding ‘Body Time Space’ to include a one-year ‘Artist in Residence’ as part of the fellowship programme ‘Weltoffenes Berlin’. It is primarily designed for artists whose work and livelihood are threatened in their countries of origin. The aim of this felloqship is to enable dance professionals to develop and deepen their existing artistic focus in an open and safe environment.


The residency programme "Weltoffenes Berlin" is funded by the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion.

Media partners: taz. die tageszeitung, tip Berlin, Rausgegangen, Exberliner.

As Artist in Residence 2023, Brazilian performer and choreographer Elisabete Finger was invited to work at Radialsystem during several studio phases throughout the year. In a showing on 21 & 22 October, she will give insights into her current work, presenting both the premiere of her performance “RUN FAST, BITE HARD” and the video series “Histories of Gestures”. 


RUN FAST, BITE HARD (World Premiere)
“RUN FAST, BITE HARD” explores some ‘creation myths’ – different versions many cultures have for the beginning of everything – in which we can find references of a time when humanity, animals, plants, things, space, time, future, and past used to be together. We find narratives about fantastic creatures that were at once male and female, old and young, human and serpent, horse, or plant, engaged with the challenges of an interconnected existence. In between choreography and collage, and moving through association and disassociation, coupling and uncoupling, “RUN FAST, BITE HARD” reimagines the limits of ‘caring to others’ to encompass more expansive or promiscuous models for living and dying together in this world. 


Histories of Gestures
“Histories of Gestures” is a journey through some well-known but rarely questioned gestures: Standing, Falling, Sitting, Jumping, Turning. Each of the five episodes looks at the history, transformation, and interaction of these gestures in different times and contexts, through a critical reading that exposes how political, social, and economic tensions intertwine with bodies. Based on research in several archives, the series presents a collage of photographs, paintings, drawings, graphics, and internet memes with excerpts from films, videos, and choreographic works by artists from Brazil and other countries. 



Concept and Choreography

Elisabete Finger
Manuela Eichner

Choreography & Performance
Elisabete Finger

Collage Elements
Manuela Eichner

Choreographic Assistance
Sandro Amaral

Lucas Resende

Carla Boregas

Mirella Brandi

Thelma Bonavita

Artistic Advice
Chiara Gallerani
Sigal Zouk
Claudia Hill

Joana von Mayer Trindade
Matthias Mohr
Thiago Granato

Histories of Gestures

Direction & Voiceover
Elisabete Finger

Accompaniment & Research Adviser
Ana Teixeira

Edu O.
Denny Neves

Clara Soria (Standing)
Matthieu Rougé – Estúdio Zut

Alessa & Kaj Ducan David

Marcio Pontes

Audiovisual & Communication Adviser
Murilo Moregola

Dialogue & Development Support
Karine Legrand

Production Director
Carolina Goulart

Touring & Management
Corpo Rastreado

Art (Posters)
Manuela Eichner

Supported by

Presented by


Elisabete Finger is a brazilian choreographer and performer. Her creations investigate the materiality and anatomy of bodies and things, exposing textures, densities, forms, and fluids in situations that explore the borders between delight and disturbance. Through the contact-collision of different materials, she experiments logics guided by sensations and eroticisms, which often rub against meanings and social or cultural expectations. She studied Law / Public Politics in Brazil, Dance and Choreography in different places such as the Essais program at CNDC d’Angers (France) and the MA SODA (UdK/HZT, Berlin). She is back in Berlin since 2021, maintaining ongoing collaborations in Brazil and other countries. Finger was a fellow of the Martin Roth Initiative 2021/2022, and in 2023 is a resident artist at Radialsystem, in the frame of Weltoffenes Berlin fellowship.


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