Frontera / Procesión – Un Ritual de Agua: Performance by Amanda Piña

Performance / Tanz Festival

Breathing Rivers: Frontera / Procesión – Un Ritual de Agua

Water in our bodies and in our environment clears a path for new forms of solidarity that saturates all notions of borders, whether cultural, national or aesthetic. Based on this approach, Mexican-Chilean-Austrian artist Amanda Piña has developed ‘Frontera/Procesión – Un Ritual de Agua’ (Border/Procession – A Ritual of Water), a performance that reveals a struggle against oppression and dispossession alongside hip-hop, colonial history, indigenous practices and mysticism.

The performance is part of Piña's long-term project ‘Endangered Human Movements’, which explores centuries-old dances and forms of movement that are in danger of disappearing. ‘Frontera/Procesión – Un Ritual de Agua’ is based on a street dance – developed by Rodrigo de la Torre – that is usually performed by men, and which originated in the El Ejido Veinte neighbourhood of Matamoros, Tamaulipas, on the border of Mexico and the United States. A border town on the Rio Grande marked by violence, drug trafficking, militarization and cheap labour. The dance is part of the so-called ‘Danzas de Conquista’ (Dances of Conquest), originally conceived by the Spanish crown to represent the Christian victory over the Moors on the Iberian Peninsula. It was also used as a racist propaganda tool in Abya Yala (a pre-colonial name of the American continent), but, over the centuries, the meaning of the dance has changed to a “Danza de Frontera” – a dance expressing resistance, "reconquest" and self-determination. For Amanda Piña, the border is not just a place, but a sign inscribed in bodies: a sign against any colonial paradigm of universalism shared only by those who embody a common history of oppression.

In „Frontera/Procesión – Un Ritual de Agua" Amanda Piña worked with artists from her own company, which is part of ‘Danza y Frontera’, as well as professional and non-professional dancers from Berlin, with the aim of strengthening solidarity with and between women.

As the opening of the "Breathing Rivers" festival last month Amanda Piña realised "Frontera / Procesión – Un Ritual de Agua " with participating women organisations and dancers from Berlin. The procession led from Radialsystem to a nearby Park located on the former inner German border between the Berlin Wall and the Spree river.  The summer festival "Breathing Rivers" explored our relationship to life and water from 20-23 July 2023, with works by choreographers Amanda Piña, Lina Gómez and Luísa Saraiva. The festival aimed to open spaces of experience in which we collectively remembered the continuity of all that is living. 

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